User Guide

User Guide


LAD supports up to 16 Ethernet ports, or combination of Ethernet ports and Wi-Fi channels. The listing of these ports and channels may be found by clicking on "Ports" from the main menu.

Port 1 is always the Internet source. The remaining ports are generally numbered with the Ethernet ports listed first and the Wi-Fi channels after the physical ports. One Wi-Fi channel is one port, so one Wi-Fi card would populate three ports with each of its three channels.

General Settings

In the general settings section it where you may rename the port and check the port status (e.g., whether it is up or down, its speed or, in the case of a Wi-Fi channel, its band). This is also where you would find the settings for setting up dedicated or passthrough packet capture on an Ethernet port.

For more information on setting up packet capture on a port, please see Ethernet Packet Capture.

Port Statistics

This section displays information on the most recent activity on the port, including the RX and TX information from the four most recent samples.


In this section you can find links to reports on the port's activity. For more information on reports, go to "Reports".

Packet Counters

The Packet Counters section shows counters for different types of packets. The counters would typically reset when LAD reboots.







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